emma ríos


by Luis Yang
Emma is a cartoonist based in Spain. She shifted her focus to a mix of both architecture and work with small press publishers until working on comics full-time in 2007. Having collaborated with publishers like Marvel and DC, she was able to commit to working on her own creator-owned comics again since 2013, thanks to Image Comics, where she co-edited ISLAND and created I.D., MIRROR in two parts: THE MOUNTAIN and THE NEST with Malay cartoonist Hwei Lim, and where she currently co-creates the critically acclaimed PRETTY DEADLY with Kelly Sue DeConnick. The latter earned Ríos several Eisner Award nominations and a win for Best Cover Artist in 2020.

As illustrator she’s worked for clients such as SIE, PRADA or Wizards of the Coast.
book index

Jean Dubuffet

Expériences Musicales 1961
Author: Giuseppe Zigaina
Publisher: Exile Editions, Ltd. 
Format: Book 
Released: 1991
Jean Philippe Arthur Dubuffet was a French painter and sculptor. His idealistic approach to aesthetics embraced so called "low art" and eschewed traditional standards of beauty in favor of what he believed to be a more authentic and humanistic approach to image-making. He is perhaps best known for founding the art movement Art Brut, and for the collection of works—Collection de l'art brut—that this movement spawned. Dubuffet enjoyed a prolific art career, both in France and in America, and was featured in many exhibitions throughout his lifetime.