emma ríos


by Luis Yang
Emma is a cartoonist based in Spain. She shifted her focus to a mix of both architecture and work with small press publishers until working on comics full-time in 2007. Having collaborated with publishers like Marvel and DC, she was able to commit to working on her own creator-owned comics again since 2013, thanks to Image Comics, where she co-edited ISLAND and created I.D., MIRROR in two parts: THE MOUNTAIN and THE NEST with Malay cartoonist Hwei Lim, and where she currently co-creates the critically acclaimed PRETTY DEADLY with Kelly Sue DeConnick. The latter earned Ríos several Eisner Award nominations and a win for Best Cover Artist in 2020.

As illustrator she’s worked for clients such as SIE, PRADA or Wizards of the Coast.
book index

Pier Paolo Pasolini

P.P.P. Pier Paolo Pasolini und der Tod
Bernhart Schwenk, Michael Semff (Editors)
Publisher: Hatje Cantz Verlag
Year: 2005
Format: Hardback
Genre: Film/Cinema Exhibition Catalog Art
Page Count: 208 pages
Language: German
Pier Paolo Pasolini was an Italian film director, poet, writer, and intellectual, who also distinguished himself as an actor, journalist, novelist, playwright, and political figure. He remains a controversial personality in Italy due to his blunt style and the focus of some of his works on taboo sexual matters. He was an established major figure in European literature and cinematic arts. His murder prompted an outcry in Italy and its circumstances continue to be a matter of heated debate.